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Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Spotlight: Luke Oborny

Check out our #BigSpotlight featuring Ellis Co. Big, Luke Oborny! He has been matched with Lane for over 2 years!

What do you love most about being a Big?

Sharing some of my favorite things to do as a child with my little brother. Being a Big allows me to remain a big kid. Lane and I have built model cars, model rockets, worked on a model train layout, bike rides, nerf war, video games, frisbee golf, etc. I enjoy reliving some of the best parts of my childhood with Lane.

What is your favorite match activity you have done together?

Crazy enough I bet if you ask both Lane and me our answer would be spending time together in the garage. Lane and I have similar interests and we enjoy working on cars (maintenance, oil changes), we enjoy washing/ cleaning cars, and other projects with tools in the garage.

Have you guys developed any traditions?

We volunteer together each year for the Knights of Columbus tootsie roll drive,

and we spend time ringing the salvation army bell each year.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in your Little since being matched?

Communication. He talks to me more and shares more what he wants to do.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to a new Big or someone considering becoming a Big?Don’t overthink it. I think people feel they have to plan the greatest experience at each hangout or that it will take so much work and time. Being a Big doesn’t take any of that. I’ve found my little just loves to hangout. Sometimes that us doing an oil change together and sometimes that’s going to monster trucks.

What would you say are the keys to success for being a Big?

Just spending time with your little.

What is one thing you hope your Little learns from you?

To be happy being himself.


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