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Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Spotlight: Kathy Rosenbald

Check out our #BigSpotlight featuring Crawford Co. Big, Kathy Rosenbald! She has been matched with Sabrina for 3 years and they see each other consistently every week. Alongside being an amazing Big, Kathy participates in our fundraising activities, such as Brews and Bites!

What do you love most about being a Big?

The thing I love most about being a Big is hoping that I am making a difference in Sabrina’s life.

What is your favorite match activity you have done together?

We have done so many fun activities. We like to cook, shop, go to the coffee houses in Pittsburg, out to eat, ice cream from Braum’s is a go to many times, and lately we have taken art classes together. I have enrolled her in some four week art activities.

Have you guys developed any traditions?

We go out to eat to celebrate her birthday and Christmas.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in your Little since being matched?

Getting her hair cut was huge and completely changed her looks! I have seen more confidence in her and her desire to excel even though she is in the gifted program, she is striving to play the violin and doing well.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to a new Big or someone considering becoming a Big?

I think people might be hesitant not knowing how much time is involved so I would tell them it can be whatever they want it to be, but needs to be consistent.

What would you say are the keys to success for being a Big?

Being consistent so your Little knows she/he can depend on you. Sabrina is 14 and I have a 14 year old grandson so that has helped me know what is going on in her life school related and things to talk about. My husband and I are season tickets to the Solo and Chamber music events at PSU, we have taken her to some, especially those with violins and I’m glad she is exposed to that.

What is one thing you hope your Little learns from you?

I hope she learns there is a big world out there with endless opportunities and possibilities. I look forward to the next four years she will be in high school watching her grow into her own person because I know she will be great!!

Thank you for being a great mentor and friend, Kathy! To learn more about becoming a volunteer mentor (Big), click here.


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