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KSBBBS Privacy & Questions

  • How does KSBBBS update its Privacy Notice?
    KSBBBS’s products, services, promotions and programs will change over time. This Privacy Notice will be updated periodically to reflect those changes and corresponding changes in our information practices. Whenever we revise this Privacy Notice, we will change the date on the notice to indicate when the revisions were made. We reserve the right to change our information practices and the terms of this Privacy Notice, and to apply the changed practices to all information we have about you. Privacy Notice Effective Date: September 30, 2018
  • What types of information does KSBBBS collect and how is it used
    We only collect personally identifiable information that you knowingly and voluntarily provide. For instance, we may collect your name, mailing address, telephone number, or email address to supply you with updated information about our events, programs, and services. If you make a donation or register for an event using your credit card, your credit card information will be used only for that particular transaction and not stored. All online credit transactions are further protected by high grade encryption and security protocols.
  • How does KSBBBS obtain information?
    Purchases and Donations: When you purchase something from KSBBBS or make a donation, you may choose to give us contact and payment information online so we may complete the transaction in a timely manner. Contact Us: If you contact us via our website, we may ask you for information such as your name, address and email address so we can respond to your questions or comments. Unless you consent, we do not retain this information except to respond to your inquiries. Website: Like many organizations, we use cookies and log files on our website. Cookies are small text files that websites often store on the computer hard drives of visitors to their sites. A cookie contains a unique code, which is used to recognize your computer when a user of your computer returns to a website that was visited previously. Log files are small text files that websites automatically create when a user visits a site. We use cookies and log files to enhance the online experience of our visitors and to better understand how our site is used. Cookies and log files may tell us, for example, whether you have visited our site before or whether you are a new visitor. The "help" portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to stop accepting new cookies, how to be notified when you receive a new cookie, and how to disable existing cookies. Remember, though, without cookies, you may not be able to take full advantage of all our website features, such as participating in online games and sweepstakes. ​ Enrollment: When you enroll online to become a Mentor or Youth, you give us your name, email address and phone number. If you are under 18 years old, we ask you to have your parent or guardian enroll you, or you may call your local agency directly. ​ Special Offers and Instant Coupons: From time to time, we may offer you discounts and rewards provided by our supporters. When you choose to download any special offers or instant coupons from our websites, we do not collect any personal information about you. Participate in Contests and Sweepstakes: When you sign up to participate in one of our contests or sweepstakes, you may provide us with information such as your name or email address. We may use the information to enter you in the contest or sweepstakes and contact you if you win. Other Ways We May Use Information to Provide Services: You may provide us with survey information to help us learn more about your preferences. We maintain information you provide to us in our database to provide you with the information, goods or services you have requested.
  • Does KSBBBS share the information it obtains about me with third parties?
    KSBBBS does not share personal information about you with any third parties for their own marketing purposes. We do share this information with service providers we have retained to perform services on our behalf, but these service providers are not authorized by us to use or disclose the information except as necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements. We also may disclose information about you to other members of the KSBBBS family (such as our National Organization, which may have their own privacy policies) and as required by law.
  • How does KSBBBS protect personal information?
    The security of personal information is a high priority for us. We maintain online safeguards to protect against unauthorized disclosure, use, alteration and destruction of the personal information in our possession. To protect the security of your credit card information, we use the industry standard for Internet security -- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. This Internet encryption standard scrambles data as it travels from your computer to our server. You’ll know that you’re in a secure area of our website when the “http” portion of the KSBBBS website address in your browser changes to “https.” The “s” stands for “secure.”
  • Does the KSBBBS website contain links to other websites?
    The KSBBBS website may contain links to other websites that operate independently of KSBBBS and are not under our control. We provide links to those sites solely for your convenience and information. Those sites have their own privacy notices, which we suggest you review if you visit any linked sites. KSBBBS is not responsible for information that is provided by those sites or for any other use of the sites.
  • How can I update my contact information?
    Please email us at if you wish to change the contact information we have for you. Please email us from the email address we would have on file so we can verify ownership.
  • Will I receive email from KSBBBS?
    We will send you email only if you have provided us with your email address and have asked us to communicate with you this way.
  • What if I prefer not to receive communications from KSBBBS?
    Please email us at if you wish to unsubscribe from our mailings. Please email us from the email address we would have on file so we can verify ownership.
  • Who do I contact regarding the website?
    Please click here to contact the webmaster for KSBBBS.
  • Which websites does KSBBBS operate?
    Websites we operate include the following:
  • What is the process to become a Mentor?
    Here are the first steps to becoming a Big: Complete a Volunteer Information Form online Attend an info session at our office. This presentation provides an outline of the kids KSBBBS serves, the impact they are having on our community, match options and the enrollment process. Someone from your local office will contact you to schedule a time Complete the Volunteer Application and Preference sheet. Attend an in-person interview and home visit with a staff member. We conduct background checks and check your references. Learn about a few waiting Littles who we think would be a “best fit match” for you. Meet your LITTLE!
  • Why is there a one-year commitment?
    It takes some time to develop trust in a relationship. Also, at times kids facing adversity have many variables in their lives, and KSBBBS is providing a positive role model to exemplify consistency, dependability and patience. Be a trusted adult friend to the youth: some of our youth have not had positive experiences with adults in their lives. Earning a Youth's trust and helping him or her learn to make connections to the community seem like little things, but they make a big difference. This means showing up and being consistent in their lives.
  • What is the process for signing up a youth to get a mentor?
    Click here to go to the "Enroll Your Youth" form After completing the form, a KSBBBS representative will follow up with you within 5 business days or you can contact your local office. ​Meet your Match Support Specialist (MSS) Every youth receives a KSBBBS employed specialist to help find them a Mentor! Once a youth is matched, the MSS will provide support to the match. ​Meet your Youth's Mentor All of our matches are based on personality, interests, and location. Once a mentor matches these criteria for your youth, a match is formed and the mentoring relationship begins.
  • How much does it cost for my youth to be matched with a mentor?
    Nothing! Thanks to the generous donors and support from our community, our youth are matched at no cost to the youth or their families.
  • How do you acquire the youth for your program?
    Youth can be referred by anyone to our program, that includes parents, teachers, counselors, family members, etc.
  • How many youth do you serve?
    Thanks to our generous donors and volunteers, KSBBBS serves nearly 3,000 youth (5 to 25 years old) annually at no cost to the families
  • What other volunteer opportunities do you have?
    Learn more about participating in For Kids Sake or join us for an upcoming event!
  • How do I get started?
    For quick instructions, please view How FKS Works
  • What web browsers are supported?
    The 4 Kids Sake website works best with an updated browser such as Chrome or Firefox.
  • What if contacts are not getting my fundraising emails?
    Please register with a personal e-mail address to improve delivery of notifications. You can can change your account e-mail address in your profile. The fundraising system sends messages on behalf of your registered e-mail address, so using a company address may result in delivery problems to other users in the company.
  • Need some extra help reaching your goal?
    Try these fundraising tips
  • Common 4 Kids Sake questions and answers
    See our 4 Kids Sake frequently asked questions page for common questions and answers.
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