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Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Spotlight: Janet Foster

Check out our #BigSpotlight featuring Sedgwick Co. Big, Janet Foster! She has been matched with Amaya for 7 months!

What do you love most about being a Big?

The part I love most about being a Big is my new friendship with my Little Amaya! It means more to me than I could’ve ever imagined.

What is your favorite match activity you have done together?

It is hard to pick a favorite match activity. We have so much fun shopping, eating out, and crafting at my home.

Have you guys developed any traditions?

Coming to my home after an activity to hangout, go fishing, build a puzzle, play a game, watch a movie or do a craft, then writing in our calendar book is becoming quite a tradition. We keep count of our activities and have a little celebration at milestones, like on our 10th visit and soon on our 20th visit! That’s just us, we have had a few extra visits with family and friends.

What’s the biggest change you’ve seen in your Little since being matched?

My Little Sister, Amaya, has the biggest smile and caring ways. She is always so helpful to others. I see her growing more in those areas and becoming self-confident. She does her best and always is the best listener with my silly little life tips. For example, if something spills, that’s ok; that area just needs to be cleaned. If you get something at the store and think you’re going to buy it and then don’t, let’s go return it to its shelf.

What is one piece of advice you’d give to a new Big or someone considering becoming a Big?

I would advise somebody thinking about being a Big is just to do it; you will get so much out of this experience. I was so nervous, but I am so happy that I took this opportunity to be a Big.

What would you say are the keys to success for being a Big?

I would also suggest to let your Little pick the activities; this is all about them having fun. I usually have a few ideas and then let Amaya decide. This has given us so much success in our relationship. Completing the activity card, match discounts and support from our Match Support Specialist are all helpful in having a successful friendship. Having a good relationship with with your Little's family is also key, get to know them.

What is one thing you hope your Little learns from you?

I have learned so many things from Amaya, and I hope she learns to always do her best and be confident in who she is.

Thank you for being a great mentor and friend, Janet! To learn more about becoming a volunteer mentor (Big), click here.


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